Salubri antitribu priest/ O padre Salubri antitribu

"Come child, lets teach you the meaning of pain. "
"Venha criança, esta na hora de voçe conhecer o que é dor"
Raised then Embraced by the antitribu, Grigori was but a young vampire when he was cut, burned, and almost killed by the Salubri.
Barely escaping death, unlike his tribe which was massacred, his burned body was found by a blind monk, who cared for
him and nursed him back to health. Having grown accustomed to being an outcast, young Grigory was converted soon by the old monk´s kindness, and he converted to Christianity. After his death of his caretaker, he carried on taking care of the simple church that he had grown accustomed to, while perfecting his skills in the discipline of Valeren.
However, news of a shock rocker who has a "third eye" has awakened his thirst for revenge, bringing him to New York.
Criado e Abraçado pelo Antitribu, Grigori ainda era um novato quando foi cortado, queimado e deixado quase morto pelo Salubri, nao como a sua tribo, que foi massacrado. Seu corpo queimado foi achado por um monge cego, que cuidou dele, e com o tempo, lhe converteu para Cristianismo. Depois da morte do velho monge, Grigori continuou a sua vida de reclusão na pequena igreja aonde ele se-aperfeiçou na disciplina de Valeren. Mas noticias de uma roqueira que finge ter um terceiro olho dipertou sua sede por vingança, trazendo ele para Nova Iorque.
Barely escaping death, unlike his tribe which was massacred, his burned body was found by a blind monk, who cared for
him and nursed him back to health. Having grown accustomed to being an outcast, young Grigory was converted soon by the old monk´s kindness, and he converted to Christianity. After his death of his caretaker, he carried on taking care of the simple church that he had grown accustomed to, while perfecting his skills in the discipline of Valeren.
However, news of a shock rocker who has a "third eye" has awakened his thirst for revenge, bringing him to New York.
Criado e Abraçado pelo Antitribu, Grigori ainda era um novato quando foi cortado, queimado e deixado quase morto pelo Salubri, nao como a sua tribo, que foi massacrado. Seu corpo queimado foi achado por um monge cego, que cuidou dele, e com o tempo, lhe converteu para Cristianismo. Depois da morte do velho monge, Grigori continuou a sua vida de reclusão na pequena igreja aonde ele se-aperfeiçou na disciplina de Valeren. Mas noticias de uma roqueira que finge ter um terceiro olho dipertou sua sede por vingança, trazendo ele para Nova Iorque.