Wordless Wednesday - Tzimisce smuggler

"If I'm dealing with the Devil, its because sometimes the devil's the only one open for business."
"Se estou vendendo para o diabo, é pq o diabo sempre é o unico que tem a loja aberta"
Kassara Tepes was an European Nobleman from a Tzimisce family, and at adulthood, he was embraced by the Sabbat. After World War II, his pack moved to Mexico. During a particularly bloody battle involving more than one Sabbat pack against the Camarilla, most of his pack was destroyed, and he later found out that he had been bertrayed by a Sabbat leader who had changed his allegiance to the Camarilla. After years of studying the dark arts, while having a profitable side-business of smuggling goods, has now come to New York, seeking out the vampire who betrayed him, and should he not find him, then the neophate sired by the traitor.
Kassara Tepes era um nobre da Europa de uma familia Timize, e quando virou adulto, foi Abraçado pelo Sabá. Depois da Guerra Mundial 2, seu grupo foi destruido, e ele descobriu que foi traido.. e agora, depois de varios séculos estudando as artes negras, ele esta em Nova Iorque, procurando o vampiro que lhe traiu, e seu novo aluno